Community EventsLocal BusinessReal Estate BlogsUncategorized April 19, 2021

Annual Shredding and Recycling Event 2021


Hello Neighbors,

together with my team at Windermere Real Estate/Maple Valley, I have the pleasure to invite you to our annual FREE paper-shredding and recycling event 2021!

It will take place in front of our office at 22017 SE Wax Road, and it is on Saturday, May 1st from 10:00am, until 1:00pm. Some small computer electronics will be accepted for recycling as well. The full list could be found in the flyer below.

Monetary and food donations will be collected for the Maple Valley Food Bank. According to their representatve, currently breakfast items are most needed.

Gather up those old receipts and bring them over for safe desposal. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, masks and social distancing will be required during the entirety of the event.

Hope to see you there!